Founded by
Tony Gambacurta
Contact by email: tony at the url above.
Updated 2023.12.15
Career so far...
2006..2017 - Sr. Engineer - 2019 Consulting Engineer
A.R.T. - Applied Research and Technology
1984..2006 Principal, founder – VP Engineering
1973..1984 – Sr. Engineer
MXR Digital Delay model 113
MXR Pitch Transposer and Display
Models 129 and 131
MXR Digital Time Delay model 175
This is the Third MXR digital time delay product (the Delay system II was the 2nd)
The goal with this product was making it affordable. Joel Silverman was a key driver for this.
My Friend Kevin Scally, an awesome musician and engineeer at Whirlwind needed the manual so I
scanned it in and posted it to once again fill a void in the internet.